Often open the video site of the computer users will find such a problem, always baffling a lot of windows bounce out of a long time do not manage them, and sometimes automatically download, and then slowly found that the computer speed began to change SLOW. At the beginning did not think that later discovered that these are the so-called script virus, evil nature of advertising. If you do not download a good script virus killing tools, then these viruses after another.
After seeing such a script virus appears, the first time we think of is click on one of them, usb protection thinking that this should not affect the normal operation of the computer, but sometimes even if a few still can affect the webpage open speed , And will continue to jump out of more similar script error virus. This time if you can script kill the tool to download virus easily installed, then when you open the page, you will not encounter such a situation. Delete such a script virus is not difficult, but simple deletion is ineffective, so we need to use a professional u disk killing tool to thoroughly check the computer hard disk whether there is a similar virus, only with the tool to check the clear , Can guarantee the normal operation of the computer.
Of course, the script virus kill tool also also has a powerful repair function, usb scanner encounter the script virus, the first time can easily be solved. Because the script virus not only appeared in such a way, many times will also mail into the mailbox, so installed this script virus killing tool, you can stop the script virus from struggling in all directions. Download professional script virus killing tool - U disk antivirus expert! |